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The Magic of Cluny Hill

In this next iteration of Cluny, we are committed to developing an education and community center that lives by the Findhorn community’s founding principles of inner listening, co-creation with nature, and work as love in action. 

At Cluny Hill, events, educational programs, and community living opportunities will be offered, all in alignment with these principles and decided through meditation and attunement. â€‹

Some have wondered, could these same programs and offerings exist anywhere? Perhaps, and yet, there is a deeply held sense that Cluny itself and the surrounding lands hold an essential offering. It is a place where the sacred touches down to Earth, and these places are not to be taken lightly. For all those who have already walked through Cluny’s doors, spent time at the power point, and meandered the surrounding lands, you may very well feel this already inside of you. Places such as these have the capacity to change us in potent and magical ways. In this way, they affect change in the world around us. This project is in dedication to that, and we will follow the journey wherever it leads. â€‹

The leading principles in which we will stand by are holism, discernment, intuition, sustainability, and kindness. The meaning of these words will be explored throughout our programs and offerings, as well as within our team. 

The people and stewards that work on this project will each be decided through meditation and attunement. Your interest is very welcome, and your enthusiasm is deeply appreciated.

While we hope to engage a new generation of community, we have an extremely high regard for the wisdom that already exists. Throughout the expanse of this project, we will have a team of elders whose sole responsiblity is to stay in the loop of offerings, decisions, communications and community happenings. It is their explicit place to offer counsel and to come forward when something feels out of alignment with the original Findhorn founding principles. We are beginning to develop this team already.

If you’re intrigued by this proposition, please check out the Get Started page as our timeline is tight. We trust that whatever unfolds is in the highest expression of Cluny’s next step. â€‹


Our Team.

We're comprised of a group of loving people who feel a sense of connection to the Findhorn founding principles, the land surrounding Cluny, and a mission to provide transformational experiences that allow each of us to nurture our inner worlds. 

Cluny Calling


Findhorn Friends Near & Far,


You may know me from spending time together in the community, somewhere else in the world, or perhaps we're simply connected through the awareness that we both love this sacred, beautiful place. â€‹I love Findhorn to my core, and Cluny is at the heart of this love. â€‹


When the Foundation began to sell off community assets, as sad as I was, it felt like a time for rebirth. Yet, I knew that if Cluny went up for sale, I wouldn't be able to sit still. 

When I received the news, I was crestfallen; in fact, I literally fell to my knees. By the time I had arose I felt a calling to take action. To my absolute fear and shock, each time I meditated, I heard a strong, "Keep going, move forward." So, I am. I don't know what will happen at the end of this Cluny journey. Perhaps it's almost over, but something deep in my belly is saying that it's just beginning. 


​I live my life making choices through attunement, and this endeavor is no different. If you're someone who feels deeply that Cluny is a place of sanctuary, of joyful community, and you'd like to see it regenerate itself with new life, join me! 




Samantha Halitzer

Cluny Connected
Land Connections

Ellie Homer  
Community Liaeson & Global Learning

To My Community & Friends Around the World,


As someone who initially came to Findhorn as a volunteer, and worked in the gardens for 2 years, I have been deeply touched by Cluny - the place, the holding it provides and the impulse, at its core. This project feels close to my heart.
Growing up near Inverness, and now, living here at Findhorn, I feel a potent physical connection to Cluny, the land surrounding, and with our beautiful community here. The place is rich with a history rooted in attunement, love in action, and co-creation with nature. This project has been thoroughly guided by these principles and gives me hope that we may reignite and tap into the potential of this place.





Spirituality & Accountablity

Sylvia Black - Energetic Holding

This project has been guided by practices of attunement, with deep intentions to follow that soft, small voice within. We are excited to create a community space that echoes of the Findhorn founding principles of co-creation with nature, work is love in action, and attunement. 


In honour of the legacy of the Findhorn community, we feel strongly that elders play an important role in the rebirth of Cluny.


As such, a special thanks to Sylvia Black for offering guidance and support as the details of this project have emerged. 

A loving tribute. 

This project has been supported by a series of magical, warm people. Though, besides Samantha, there was only one other person who was steadfast in working towards its success from the beginning. 

As some of you may already know, we had the very sad news of Michael Bailey's sudden passing on October 29th. Michael played a key role in working on this project and supporting Samantha since March, when news of Cluny going up for sale was released. He gave his happy permission to include his name & image publicly on this website. He had dreamed to live at Cluny again in the future and support its renewal. We'd like to honour his wise council, loving support of community, and friendship. He leaves a legacy of kindness with all those he encountered. While walking the Camino de Santiago, he recently lit candles in honour of Cluny and the success of this project. In return, we'd like to honour Michael, and trust that his beautiful spirit is a guiding light in the days to come.


For Potential Contributors

Why Your Contribution Matters

Your contribution will go directly to purchasing Cluny Hill property, renovating the building with essential renovations, and paying for necessary costs to keep the building running during renovations. 

We anticipate we’ll be able to start offering in-person events and programs in late summer of 2026. In the meantime, we’ll offer hybrid and online offerings specific to Cluny that engage a worldwide community. 

Once Cluny is up and running, we feel our offerings will more than cover the costs of maintaining the building after renovations, but we do indeed need contributions to buy the building and renovate. 

We will fundraise in two waves. We are currently in the first wave and need 1.5 million pounds total to go ahead with the purchase. This means we’ll have secured enough funds to buy the property, pay all necessary fees, and begin working on the first set of renovations right out of the gate. Without this, it is simply unsustainable. 

*These numbers are estimations put together by as much research of the property as is currently possible. We anticipate surprises, and are also planning for this.

The second wave is a 1 million pound fundraiser. This funding will go directly to completing renovations. 


Why Contribute?

If you’re someone that feels the magic of Cluny, we’d love your contribution. We feel that money is energy made manifest in physical form, and when you offer that energy it is not taken lightly. We feel the spirit of giving dictates so much of what’s possible. Therefore, in the spirit of inner listening, we ask that you meditate and attune to this project. Does it feel right to you? If so, your contribution is deeply appreciated. 

By its nature, this project has many unknowns, so it’s up to you to determine, and sense, if this is right for you. We will answer as many questions as possible. You can contact us at


Would you like to contribute & play a larger role in this project?

Please let us know when you reach out to contribute and let’s meditate together! 

Would you like to work with us?

Please let us know! Please use this CONTACT FORM

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